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How Many Times Will Applicants Need to Travel to Turkey During the Citizenship Application Process?

Understanding Travel Requirements for Turkish Citizenship by Investment

Ideally, applicants will need to travel to Turkey at least twice during the citizenship application process:

  1. Initial Visit for Procedures:
    The first visit to Turkey is recommended for completing initial procedures related to your investment. This includes selecting a property, obtaining the title deed, and starting the residency permit application. Being physically present can help facilitate communication and ensure that you fully understand the process.

  2. Second Visit for Fingerprinting:
    After your application for citizenship is approved, you will need to return to Turkey for the second time to submit your fingerprints. This step is essential for processing your residency permit and ultimately receiving your Turkish ID card and passport.

  3. Alternative Options:
    If traveling to Turkey twice poses challenges, there are options available that allow you to proceed with your application remotely. We can guide you through the application process without your physical presence in Turkey, though certain conditions will apply. This may include providing necessary documentation and authorizing a lawyer or representative to act on your behalf.

  4. Consultation with Legal Advisors:
    Engaging with legal professionals who specialize in Turkish citizenship by investment can provide clarity on the travel requirements and help you navigate the application process efficiently.

In summary, while two visits to Turkey are ideally recommended during the application process, it is possible to complete the citizenship application with professional guidance without physically traveling to the country under specific conditions.